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New RP Discussion

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New RP Discussion Empty New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:14 pm

So we only have one RP up right now, and I'd love to put up a few more. Unfortunately, TAS is completely gone and the proboard we temporarily used has been deleted since last we used it. We could revive old RPs from memory and start them anew, which would be interesting, as we would probably take them in new directions with new characters and/or settings, or we can create new ones, or some combination of those two. What do you think?


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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Kuro Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:34 am

I think we could bring back the academy and add new characters to make it more interesting.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:45 am

That's a good idea! I know I have new fandoms now, so although I do still like certain characters, I'd love to add more. Would everyone rather start over with Wayward/restyle it as a different type of school (magical? non-magical? anime characters in a realistic setting? a school that travels dimensions?) or continue relatively close to where we left off with new adventures?

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Naito Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:51 am

I think bringing back Wayward is a good idea. I think it'll be more interesting if it was a magical school that can travel through dimensions.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:08 am

Should they be the dimensions of the characters' homeworlds or random dimensions/effective ones (ex: one dimesion= old kingdom with knights and wizards, one dimension=everyone is evil)? Or a combination maybe?

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Naito Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:05 pm

A combination would be good. We can have it where they can travel through dimensions, but they have no control which dimension they travel to.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Arashi Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:29 pm

I fully agree with this idea! 8D It sounds like a lot of fun.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:54 pm

Should we start over (i.e. characters have never met before, even if they did in the last Wayward)? Or just jump in randomly with most of them knowing each other already?

& What other RPs should we add? We had "When You Wish Upon a Stone" and "Just in Time!" on the other forums. We could restart those with new characters/slightly different plots if anyone's interested. Besides those, any new ideas? Genres you want a RP in? Anime that you want to base a RP off of?

Trying to flesh out the forum Very Happy It's fun to have a few topics to reply to each time!

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Kuro Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:37 am

I'm trying to think of some RP ideas right now, but they're still kind of vague. I'll try and organize my thoughts on them soon.

I think we should start over with Wayward. That way we can have fun with our character introductions.

As for the other two RPs we did, I think we should just leave them out. I can't really remember what happened in those RPs. I think both of them need a lot of characters to make it work, too.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Naito Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:20 am

Same here. I've been thinking of so many different RPs, but I can't really elaborate on them too much.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Naito Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:34 pm

Here's my idea! It's in the fantasy category.

There's a corporation, Umbra Scriptum, that is ruling the country. They have scientists perform horrible experiments on people and soldiers that are trained to bring down any and all kind of resistance. There has been many different forms of rebellions, but they have all been silenced except for one group, Tien Tri. Now, Tien Tri is trying to bring down the corporation in order to bring peace back to the country.

I think it would be easy to have at least two characters, one for the corporation and one for the rebels.

Anyone interested?

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:31 pm

That sounds great, Naito Very Happy You should go ahead and post it and start it off!

I'm working through some ideas, too. I'll post Wayward soon too (:

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New RP Discussion Empty few quick questions :D

Post  Colormyworld Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:20 pm

Is everyone OK with the current number of RPs or would anyone like to add any more? I have no preference and no specific ideas in mind (just a few musings!) but I thought I'd ask and make sure no one's getting bored 8D

Also, is the forum working okay for everyone? My alerts are fine but I know how these things can be :/ Sad

I'm also messing with the layout. Good? Bad? What should I change? Did you prefer the old one? I'm working on getting a background but Forumotion is acting up right now.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Naito Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:39 pm

I wouldn't mind a few more RPs, but I have no ideas on what, lol. I'm not sure if you guys remember, but there was that one RP back on TAS where we had people from the future go to the present to try and get two people together to ensure that the future won't turn to ruins. Anyone remember that one?

As for the new layout, I like. Maybe just change the color of the font. It's kind of hard to read. Maybe make it a bit brighter?

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:39 am

I definitely remember that one Very Happy It was called "Just in Time!" We can restart it with the same basic plot but new characters, if you'd like.

btw, the twist in "Just in Time!"/full plot was:

We don't necessarily have to follow that plot, though!

And I will definitely take that into consideration. I'm trying to find a more black, less bright background, which would help too.

Resolved! I'll also make the text a bit darker so it's easier to see in the textbox where you type it in.

this should be much better. let me know if this is OK with everyone 8D

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Kai Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:50 pm

I don't mind doing "Just In Time"! And lol, so that was the plot. Well, I don't mind following it, so long as everyone else is alright by it.

And I like the background 8D

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:05 pm

We don't have to follow the old plot by any means--I was just mentioning it for nostalgia purposes Very Happy It would be interesting to have a similar thread, though, but with each of us playing different characters this time (as in instead of the future kid, I'd play the mother, etc.)

I don't have time to start it tonight, but if someone else would like to, go ahead! If not, I can start it later ^-^

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Naito Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:36 pm

I'm fine with this layout. It's easier to read, lol.

I wouldn't mind getting that RP up again. I guess for now, we can keep the basic plot until we establish our characters.

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Kai Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:41 pm

Sounds like a good idea!

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New RP Discussion Empty Re: New RP Discussion

Post  Colormyworld Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:59 am

See the (new) modern fantasy section! ^-^

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