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The Randomizer!

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The Randomizer! Empty The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:55 am

{Hiya! I had the idea to take a random character generator and come up with a story for said characters.

This is the one I used: http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=quickchar

I selected "fantasy--general" as my category, but pick whatever suits you. If you like this idea, we could also utilize it for other RPs by selecting different genres. For example, this is what it generated for me:

"The nun with uncanny abilities."

So now I'll have to work that into a character!

We'll also need to decide a setting. Any ideas?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:09 am

{That sounds rather interesting, actually o: T-Though, in my opinion, we don't need have to use it in every other RP that we do. I suggest we use the randomizer if we ever have trouble trying to make up a character. What do you think?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:14 am

{Sure! I'm just a bit low on ideas right now, so I thought I'd offer. It should still be interesting for this topic though. 8D}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:22 am

{lol, it should be~ especially since *stares at it* i got "an agile murderer with unusual luck"....that should be fun to try.}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:24 am

{Lol, that is an amazing random character XD Do you have any ideas for the setting? It could be in some sort of fantasy realm?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Naito Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:27 am

{I got "The sickly hunter." I think the best setting for this would probably be a mansion or castle.}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:31 am

{Oooh, good idea and nice character generation! With them trapped inside? Or just with the mansion as a starting point?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Naito Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:33 am

{I think trapped inside. It would be more fun that way. ^_^}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:35 am

{Trapped inside and they're all trying to find a way out of it?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:37 am

{Sounds good! I'm headed off for the night, but if anyone would like to start in my absence, that's okay by me. Or I can start it in the morning. We can go in whichever post order works out naturally, I suppose? And are we waiting for Kai?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:39 am

{Kai says he wants to join. Just gonna wait til tomorrow to make an account though since school starts}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:42 am

{I'm glad to hear that! Well, then, either of you can go ahead and start or I will tomorrow. Also feel free to make other assorted new RP topics. I'll talk to you soon!}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:21 pm

She heard the doors to her room creak as she gently pushed them open. She gingerly stepped into the dark hallway and glanced up and down it. Earlier that day, she helped a village set up a new church and was now temporarily staying in the hotel until her flight back to her home church.

If it could even be called a hotel. The butler at the door had insisted that she stay, noting that he was not allowed, per his late master's orders, to deny anyone temporary stay in the mansion. Apparently it was only the butler and the late master's young daughter staying here, and they hardly needed the vast fortune left behind, so to spend a bit of it on strangers was no trouble at all.

Of course, strangers rarely did arrive, considering the steep hill and thick forest that acted as obstacles. Evangeline would not have discovered it at all if her rental car hadn't broken down. If she were younger, she would have simply walked back to the village, but with her age came arthritic pain and the mansion simply seemed to be easier than the long, treacherous hike back to the town. In three days, when her flight arrived, she would call a cab, but until then, the vast, albeit dark, mansion seemed more than acceptable as a place to stay.

She used her cane to keep her balance as she slowly made her way to the large staircase. If only she were younger and less fragile. She glanced at a clock on a far wall and frowned. It was about time for dinner, but perhaps she would explore the upstairs before heading down that frightening staircase. She passed it by and continued down the hall, forgetting that the doors to her room were wide open.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Naito Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:17 pm

Kaien let out of couple of coughs while trying to find the way back to his room. He wished this place wasn't so big. He was suppose to be hunting a criminal, but his condition wouldn't allow him to leave town. He tried to look for a place to stay, but there was nothing besides the mansion hidden in the forest.

So now here he is trying to find his room so he can rest and get better from this illness, that seemed to show up out of nowhere. How he wished it would go away.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:28 pm

Blake let out a thoughtful hum as he walked around the mansion, letting a carefree air surround him. He let his hands brush against the blade he kept holstered on his leg. The redhead suddenly stopped when he heard voices from somewhere nearby. He tilted his head, curious before walking over to it. Unfortunately, before he can go to the door from where the voices came from, Blake stiffened when he heard something creak above him. He looked up, grimacing when he saw a chandelier shaking uneasily.

"Oh great...."

He quickly got out of the way when the ceiling dropped down at him.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Kai Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:47 pm

{I got the homely inventor who hates children}

Nathan released a sigh as he looked around, trying to find a way back to his room. He really should have asked the butler a map for this place so that he wouldn't have to get lost. Though, he jumped a bit, startled when he heard something crash.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:56 pm

{Does anyone know if Kuro would like to join this one? Should I go ahead and reply or wait?}

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Kuro Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:32 am

{I am so sorry I'm late! I got the sickly, disorganized, short-tempered fortune-teller.}

Salene grumbled as she heard the crash from her room. She stomped over to the door and yanked it open. "Hey! Keep it down! Some of us are trying to get some rest!!!" She was quickly ensnared into a coughing fit. She took a few deep breaths and lightly rubbed her throat. She turned back to her room. "Where is that herb? I know I have some around here." She walked back in and started rummaging through her things. Sounds of things being tossed were heard clearly from anywhere within the mansion.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:42 am

{Kuro, it's no issue at all! I just wanted to make sure that you were joining this one before replying ^-^ Everyone got really fun prompts! I'm excited to see how this goes :3}

Evangeline adjusted her habit, which was oversized and slowly migrating to cover one of her eyes, with one long, liver-spotted finger. She let out a light cough as she continued making her way down the corridor. She thought she heard a crash, but her hearing was rather off so she could not be sure. As she passed by a window, she noticed that the sun was making its way to the horizon. Sunset would arrive soon, followed by night. She clicked her tongue, turning away from the mountain scenery outside and continuing down the hall. She noticed an open door and peaked in, unsure if she would be interrupting anyone. The butler had mentioned a few other occupants and she was curious to see who was around.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Naito Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:57 am

Kaien heard the crash and raced over to it. He saw another man standing next to a fallen chandelier. He walked over to him. "Are you okay? How did that happen? No one else was hurt right? " he asked quickly before coughing non-stop from the lack of oxygen.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Arashi Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:27 pm

Blake rubbed the back of his head, looking up to see the older man. He blinked before quickly giving him a reassuring grin.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. No one else was here when it fell so it's all good." Much to his dismay, but the redhead wasn't going to tell him that. Instead, he got up, brushing off his clothes as he smiled at the other man.

He said, "My name's Blake, by the way. What's yours?"

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Kai Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:03 pm

"Hey, everyone alright?" Nathan asked as he approached the two man, noticing the fallen chandelier beside the redhead. He blinked, wondering how that managed to happen.

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Kuro Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:33 am

Salene looked over to her door, forgetting momentarily that it was still open. "Who goes there?" She saw a nun standing at her door. "Can I help you with something Miss? I'm quite busy here."

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Colormyworld Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:55 am

She blinked at the other woman and fully stepped into the doorway. "I'm sorry to disturb you, miss," she said with a slight bow of her head. "I just heard the noise and was curious to see what was going on." She frowned. "Oh my, look at me--forgetting my manners. I'm Evangeline. Is there anything I could assist you with? You seem to be having a spot of trouble, my dear."

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The Randomizer! Empty Re: The Randomizer!

Post  Naito Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:19 am

"I'm Kaien," he replied after being able to stop his coughing. "I'm really sorry for my coughing fit. I'm not feeling too well." Kaien turned towards the newcomer. "Everything's fine. The chandelier just fell."

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