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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Naito Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:21 am

Artic sighed and leaned against the balcony. Seeing the country in such a state makes her want to go crazy and charge head first into Umbra Scriptum and kill every last member. However, she knew that was stupid. She had to wait patiently and follow her leader's orders in order to bring them down once and for all. How she can't wait for that day to come.

Aiden walked down the hall until he reached the President's office. He was to train some new soldiers that came. How he is going to hate this. He doesn't see why the President couldn't get someone else to train the newcomers. He didn't want to deal with this. Hearing them whine and complain over his way of teaching. The last soldier he trained couldn't handle his teachings and demanded to the President that he wants someone else to train him. Aiden took a deep breath and opened the door to the President's office. "You wanted to see me sir?"

{I'm sure it's a given which character is on which side lol. But just to verify, Artic = rebel, Aiden = corporation}

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kuro Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:54 am

Seth turned towards the door and his eyes widened. It's really him! He couldn't believe that he was going to train under Aiden Warlock! This is an amazing opportunity and he wasn't going to pass it up. "Umm, the President had to leave, but he told me to tell you that there's going to be only two of us that's going to train with you. I'm Seth Heilin."

Jensen grumbled while looking over his plans. Another group was lost to him. Damn that Umbra Scriptum! Now his numbers are fewer while the corporation's soldiers are increaseing with each passing day. He needed to slow them down and fast. He took a deep breath and decided to call in two rebels for a dangerous mission, but he knows that they will be able to accomplish it.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Arashi Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:33 pm

Ian looked through the files in his hands, skimming through the reports as he walked down the empty hallways of the hideout. From what the reports say, they're beginning to lose more of their numbers to the Umbra Scriptum, and it was beginning to get a tad worrisome. He paused, though, when his eyes landed on a particular report, talking about one of the dangerous members of the company. Ian frowned, stuffing the reports in the folder as he briskly headed to the leader's office.

Peering cautiously out of the lab, Flame was relieved to find that there were no guards around. Taking a deep breath, she darted out of the room, hoping to get some time to play around before the scientists made her become an experiment again.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Colormyworld Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:05 pm

Noelle stood in the hallway outside the leader's office. One of her favorite activities was monitoring who was going to speak to the boss (although, admittedly, it was not her job and in fact often irritated the guards). She went down her mental to-do list, as no one interesting was around and she had no orders currently. Ever since that little (what had they called it?) "berserk and irresponsible episode" she hadn't been seeing much action. Oh well. Mental to-do list.

1. Sharpen weapons.
2. Reload weapons.
3. Make dinner.
4. Destroy Umbra Scriptum.

Norm rushed into the President's office. "OhmygoshsirIamsosorrysir I have the reports now!" Sheesh, he was the President's aide, his right-hand man, and it had taken him four hours to prepare reports accounting for supplies. He had noticed weird numbers in the new department's reports, and he tried to look into it, but then his heckling mother called and--

"Er?" Yeah, the President wasn't here. Was he THAT late? Oh dear. This would be his job. How would he eat? He'd have to be a soldier! He couldn't fight! He was barely five feet tall! They'd use him as a weapon! Or maybe they'd experiment on him! He almost began to hyperventilate, but then noticed his company. "Ah, Mr. Warlock. Mr. Heilin." He stood up to his full five feet. "Good morning." He smoothly approached the President's desk and placed the reports on it.

{D: I hope that I understand the structures of the organizations correctly @-@ Let me know if I need to fix anything?}

Last edited by Colormyworld on Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : @-@)

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kai Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:26 pm

Mikale walked down the halls of the corporation, throwing a lighter up and down in the air. He whistled merrily before noticing a certain redhead run by. He stopped, raising an eyebrow.

"Flame? What are you doing?" he asked.

Seren stretched as she entered the training room of the hideout, flexing her arms around before walking over to one of the training dummies. She cracked her knuckles and began her training.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Naito Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:34 am

Artic turned from the balcony when she heard someone calling her name. It was one of the other rebels. She couldn't remember his name, but that didn't matter. "What's wrong?"

"Jensen wants to see you in his office."

She sighed and turned completely away from the balcony. "Fine." She walked down the hall and stopped infront of Jensen's office. "Noelle? Are you playing guard again?"

Aiden sighed and turned to Norm. "Good morning. Shouldn't you know where the President is? You are his right-hand afterall." He then turned back towards Seth. "Where's the other trainee? I don't have all day."

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kuro Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:59 pm

"Well, that's the thing. The other trainee is unavailable right now. But she is at the labs if you want me to take you there," Seth said while looking over to Aiden. He turned towards Norm and smiled. "Morning Norm. You just missed the President. He had to step out for a bit, but he'll be back soon."

Jensen looked towards the door. He heard voices on the other side. "Probably Noelle again," he sighed. He knows that that girl tends to linger around his office. He should send her off on a mission.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Arashi Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:59 pm

Flame stopped when she heard a voice behind her, looking over her shoulder to see Mikale. She smiled a bit, sheepish. "Um, heading to the President's office. I was told that I was needed for something."

Ian stopped when he noticed Noelle, raising an eyebrow at her. "You truly have nothing else better to do, do you?" That's when he noticed Artic and nodded over to her in greeting.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Colormyworld Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:24 pm

Noelle snorted. "I ain't guarding anything. Just standing here." She glared at Ian. "As a matter of fact, no I don't have anything better to do since the boss put me on probation. Ya know, I was given orders and I obeyed 'em. No one ever specified how to complete the mission. How was I to know that it was supposed to be covert? But I got the plans, didn't I? And got rid of four scumbags in the process."

Norm decided to ignore Aiden. He wasn't one to fight. He cleared his throat in Seth's general direction. "Thank you for the information, Mr. Heilin. I am actually under orders to observe Mr. Warlock's training sessions. I will accompany the three of you whenever Miss..." He paused and backtracked. "Whenever the second trainee arrives."

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kai Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:42 pm

"Don't mind if I accompany you there, do you? There was something I needed to talk to the President about," Mikale said, grinning down at her.

Seren paused when she heard voices, peering out of the room curiously before shrugging and resuming her training.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Naito Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:20 am

"Yeah and you almost lost two of our own during your mission Noelle. You need to remember that most of our missions are covert. We are trying to be stealthy so that stupid corporation can't detect us and try to locate our hideout," Artic said while laughing lightly. She opened the door to Jensen's office and walked in. "You wanted to see us Jensen?"

Aiden sighed and lightly rubbed his temples. "Let's go to the labs then. Who is the second trainee Seth?" He looked over towards Norm and raised an eyebrow. "How long are you suppose to monitor my training sessions?"

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kuro Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:43 am

Seth shrugged lightly. "I'm not really sure who's the second trainee. Let's go down to the labs and see who it is." He walked over to the door and opened it. "Or we don't have to go down to the labs at all. I see two people walking over."

Jensen smiled lightly. "I need you to go on a mission. You're going to infiltrate the Umbra Scriptum and disable their security. I have a spy in there now and he's going to give you a map of the most important components to their security. I want you to neutralize those components."

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:47 pm

"Oh, fine," Flame grumbled as she followed Mikale. She perked up a bit when she noticed Seth though and tilted her head curiously, blinking. Despite her stay in the corporation, Flame has never seen him before. As the two of them got close, she immediately smiled. "Hi there!"

Ian hummed a bit, looking at Jensen with a raised eyebrow, but the man continued to keep quiet until he was done talking to Artic.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:31 pm

Noelle followed Artic in. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. If anything big is goin' down, I want in." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall near the door.

Norm tried to look Aiden in the eye but found himself unable to. "W-well, that's confidential information. I am under very specific orders. I can tell you, however, that I will be observing for at least a few days."

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kai Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:51 pm

Mikale chuckled as he followed after Flame, waving when he notices Seth looking at them. The mercenary entered the office, smiling at the other occupants amiably.

"Aiden, Norm, nice to see you," he greeted.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Naito Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:44 pm

Artic turned towards Noelle in shock. "Aren't you on probation? Besides, we are going into their headquarters. Do you think you can get through there without getting lost? It's a maze unless you've been in there before." She knew how dangerous this mission was going to be and she didn't want Noelle getting hurt, captured, or killed.

Aiden turned towards Mikale and nodded slightly." What are you doing here? I'm sure the President hasn't given you a job yet."

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kuro Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:03 pm

Jensen sighed lightly. "Noelle, this mission is too risky for you to join. Especially, with your method of performing missions. I can't risk the mission or your lives. Our numbers are decreasing every day so I'm not taking more risks and sending in more than two people."

Seth looked over to the girl with red hair and smiled. "I'm guessing you're the second trainee then? I'm Seth."

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Arashi Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:45 pm

Flame looked up at him, tilting her head at him curiously before smiling. She replied, "I'm Flame. Nice to meet you!"

Ian sighed, merely listening in on the conversation as he leaned against the wall, watching them.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Colormyworld Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:51 pm

Noelle let out a low growl. "What! I'm the best fighter in the whole compound! I know my way through the enemy camp blindfolded! This probation thing is so totally bogus! It's the end, not the means, y'all!"

Norm muttered something in reply along the lines of "yes, lovely to see you, too." It was no secret that he was not especially fond of the soldiers.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kai Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:31 pm

"I just thought I'd come by and say hi. There's nothing wrong with that is there?" Mikale replied, smiling before looking over at the two trainees.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Naito Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:45 am

"Noelle, you don't seem to understand here. We are going into the enemies terrority! We have to be stealthy otherwise our lives will be forfeit in there! Jensen doesn't want you to come because he knows that your method of accomplishing missions results in a free-for-all for our side. We can't afford to lose more people." Artic rubbed her temples lightly and closed her eyes. This is starting to get out of hand already.

Aiden looked over to Seth and Flame. "You're my new trainee?"

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kuro Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:12 pm

Jensen looked from Artic to Noelle. This won't end well. "Noelle, you're still on probation. Artic and Ian will be going on this mission."

Seth turned towards Mikale and rose an eyebrow. "Who are you exactly?"

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Arashi Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:49 pm

Flame looked up at Aiden and nodded before looking over at Mikale.

Ian raised an eyebrow at that, but kept quiet. Instead, he only nodded in agreement with the leader.

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Colormyworld Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:18 am

Noelle let out a low noise. "I will find a way to fight." Then she stomped out of the room. There was no way in hell she was staying around this damn compound while everyone else was off fighting.

Norm watched the entire interaction. "Everything is fine. I believe Mr. Warlock was about to escort the trainees to their first lesson?"

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Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri Empty Re: Umbra Scriptum VS Tien Tri

Post  Kai Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:20 am

"That's hardly any of your business," Mikale told Seth before looking over at Norm. He smiled. "Don't mind if I tag along then? I want to see how their first day of training goes."

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