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Wayward Academy

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Wayward Academy Empty Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:07 am

The pathway to education was paved with tan stones and lined with lovely trees full of blossoming flowers. The newly opened Wayward Academy was ready for its students, with dozens of dorms freshly cleaned (two students to a room!) and the cafeteria well-stocked. Of course, the academy did not utilize traditional methods of teaching--they taught via experience and only invited the most interesting, unusual students. Age was irrelevant and there were only a few professors to the entire school (not including the principal and janitor).

The young boy--ten years old at most--with large glasses dropped his suitcases off in his dorm room, muttering something about being sent to boarding school, then headed to the cafeteria. He blinked, noting that no one was around. He sighed, looking at the flyer in his hand. It had insisted that all new students--which was everyone, since the academy had just opened--report to the cafeteria. So why was no one around?

Then someone ran into the room, bawling. She had the strangest hairstyle he had ever seen--long blonde pigtails. "I don't wanna go to boarding school~" she whined. She grabbed her stomach dramatically. "So hungry!" Then she sank to the floor, rolling around in woe.

"Uh..." Conan sweat-dropped at her. "Are you okay, Miss?"

Usagi sat up instantly, staring at him blankly. Then she resumed her cry. "They sent me to an elementary boarding school! I'm not that dumb! Just because I failed those tests--"

"It's not an elementary school." Conan sighed. "It's an invitation-only school for 'special' students. I don't know what makes us special, but apparently someone thinks we are exceptional, I guess."

"Aw, so cute!" She was cooing now and pulling his cheek. "You use such big words!"

He quickly moved to the opposite end of the cafeteria.

{Feel free to claim a professor, the principal, or the janitor. EDIT: I remembered one of the characters I wanted, who will be a janitor ^-^ If you want to have a janitor too, though, then go for it! We could have a squad *-* Also feel free to pick up any sort of administration position! I'm not sure if I'll stick with them forever, but I'm going to try the old school characters of Usagi from Sailor Moon and Conan from Detective Conan for now--I'll probably add another in my next post but I'm still deciding. Very Happy Take as many characters as you want, and if you get sick of some, we can leave them behind in certain dimensions Razz}

Last edited by Colormyworld on Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:33 am

Komui studied his classroom and grinned at the results. Everything was perfect! He couldn't wait to start teaching all the new students that have been accepted here. This is going to be the best thing ever! He's not going to let this academy down. He decided to go off and see the rest of the school. He needed to be able to navigate through this giant school like the backyard of his home. He stopped by the cafeteria and saw that two students were already here. He walked in and smiled at them. "Hello students! I'm Komui Li! I'll be your professor for science."

Hikaru and Kaoru walked down the halls and whistled. "This place is impressive," Hikaru commented. Kaoru nodded and looked around.

"They sure went their way to invite us here," Kaoru added. They continued to walk around when they heard a loud voice somewhere.

"Should we?" Hikaru asked.

"Let's go. Maybe we can have some fun," Kaoru said. They both grinned and proceeded to walk towards the voice. They looked around when they ended up in the cafeteria.

"Ahh, looks like there's only a few people here," they said together while looking at the three people.

{I've decided to have a professor and twin students! Komui is from D.Gray Man while Hikaru and Kaoru are from Ouran High Host Club.}

Last edited by Naito on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:04 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong word XD)

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:15 pm

Lavi whistled as he looked around, awed by the academy. One thing's for sure, he had never seen anything like this before. Though, he glanced down at the invitation he held in his hand, curious about it. Though, he stopped when he saw a taller man walking ahead of him.

"Ah, hey there!" he called out.

Stopping, the man turned around and grinned. "Well, nice to meet you. My name's Fuuma, and I'll be one of the teachers here."

"Then shouldn't I call you something else other than Fuuma?" Lavi asked as he walked over to the man, grinning in spite of himself. Fuuma chuckled, shaking his head.

He replied, "Call me Mr. Fuuma, if you want, but otherwise no. Who are you?"

The redhead answered, "Lavi."

"Well then, Lavi. It's time you head to the cafeteria. I'll see you soon."

Lavi watched as Fuuma walked away and stuffed his hands into his pockets, whistling as he headed to the cafeteria. One thing's for sure, this place was definitely interesting enough.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:45 pm

Yuffie snickered as she looked around the halls. This place was huge! She grinned and thought of all the things she could do here while "learning." She was invited to attend this school, but learning is the last thing on her mind. There should be plenty of things to do and things to steal. She looked down at her big box and smiled. Maybe they might have some materia here too! "I can't wait!" She took hold of her box and walked off the cafeteria.

Lightning sighed and looked around the cafeteria. It's amusing that she was the first one here and yet the three people, who came after her, didn't notice her at all. They were definitely not observant to their surrounds. The students are going to have a hard time in her class. She was going to make sure they learn in her class.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:10 pm

"Hmph. I hope that this year, the students would be much more cooperative than last year," Ciel remarked as he casually took a sip of his tea. Beside him, Sebastian chuckled, amused by his young master.

He replied, "But at least, it'll be entertaining."

"Only you would think so. Have they all gathered yet?" Ciel asked curiously, glancing up at his butler. Sebastian tapped his chin thoughtfully. He answered, "I believe a few of them are together while some are making their way."

"Good." Ciel placed his cup down and got up. "It's time to meet our new students and professors."

Tifa walked into the cafeteria and smiled. "Hello everybody." She walked over to the others and noticed Lightning in the back, waving to her as well. "I see you've already beaten everyone else here, Lightning."

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:30 pm

Conan stared at these newcomers. What an odd group of people. Not like he was one to speak--he was, after all, a seventeen year old stuck in a child's body. He adjusted his glasses, thinking back to the strange invitation that had arrived in the mail, recommending that he attend the Academy. Ran had insisted he attend, as the invitation said it was a very prestigious school and only those invited could attend. He found the whole thing very suspicious. He only hoped that a murder wouldn't occur here. And that his roommate wouldn't be too strange...or too smart. He couldn't let his secret be discovered.

Meanwhile, Usagi had discovered the school chef, who had introduced himself as Yamino. Then she promptly began to request nearly every item on the menu.

She dropped a potato chip on her way to a table (after all, she was carrying a huge pile of food) and watched as a blur flew to it and swept it up.

Her eyes widened. She had never seen anyone clean that quickly!

Narugami posed dramatically with his broom (and wooden staff, otherwise known as Mjollnir). "This is the best part-time job ever! Great pay and great manual labor! I won't let them find any excuse to fire me! I'll be a super janitor!"

Yamino sighed from the kitchen.

{I realized that we needed a school cafeteria worker/chef as well and Yamino worked well for that Very Happy Narugami, also from Matantei Loki, is the janitor. Razz If anyone wants to be a stowaway Loki, hiding out in the kitchen with Yamino, then to have Conan, Ciel and Loki in one place might be fun *-* And Kai, is Ciel the principal? Very Happy}

Last edited by Colormyworld on Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:43 am

Komui grinned at all the excitement that's going on around him. "This is going to be an interesting experience. It's too bad the others from the Black Order aren't here to see this too." He shrugged lightly and remembered he can always record what goes on here and show them back to the others.

Hikaru and Kaoru sat down at an empty table and snickered. "This is going to be so much fun!" Hikaru nodded in agreement. "This is going to be a fun school year. Maybe we'll run into someone like the Lord (Tamaki)." They both laughed at the thought and can't wait for the lessons to begin.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:11 pm

"Hey there!" Lavi greeted as he entered the cafeteria, looking around curiously at everyone else. He tilted his head to the side, interested at the unfamiliar faces. He remembered Bookman telling him that it was his duty to record everything that will happen during the redhead's stay here. So, Lavi was determined to do the old man proud, even though he has a feeling it'd be a lot more harder than he'll expect.

Fuuma chuckled as he entered the room, looking around at everyone else. He smiled amiably at the other teachers, nodding towards them in greeting.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:51 am

Lightning nodded lightly. "No one has noticed, but you. I think it's about time for the students to be informed." She turned to the side and watched as more people started coming in.

Yuffie stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria and grinned. "Hello everybody! The Great Yuffie Kisaragi is finally here!" She stood on top of her box and posed with her shuriken.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:00 pm

Tifa chuckled lightly, looking over at the newcomers. She said, "This should be interesting."

Ciel sighed as he and Sebastian entered the cafeteria, looking over at all of the new faces. He really didn't want to do this job, but it seemed as though the Queen was rather intent on having him become the principal of this school. Beside him, Sebastian chuckled, clearly amused by his young master's antics.

"Nervous, young master?" he asked, keeping his tone professional but there was a teasing tone in it.

The younger man frowned, glaring up at him. "Of course not. Why would you think I get nervous?"

Sebastian smirked as he replied, "Oh, just a feeling that I have is all."

{Yeah, Ciel's the principle Very Happy}

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:21 pm

Conan was rather surprised to see a kid present. Either it was someone else with circumstances like his, or perhaps a child genius. Either way, he would keep an eye on him. He noted the way that Ciel and Sebastian interacted, and that Ciel seemed to have some authority. Conan continued to scan the room, observing each individual for a moment. This was an odd crew.

"There are a lot of people here," Narugami said, glancing at Yamino. "I was surprised to see you, four-eyes."

Yamino ignored the last part of his comment. "I'm investigating this school on Master Loki's behalf, and it looks like Master Loki was right as usual. Most of these people have strange auras about them. I don't think it was a coincidence that we were offered jobs here."

He exited the kitchen and stood near Narugami.

Usagi, meanwhile, was taking a more proactive approach to the new school. "Who's my roommate? There's someone else in room 14, right?" She was rather loud, as usual, but the question was not directed towards anyone in particular. "I'm Tsukino Usagi." There was, admittedly, something odd about this school. As Rei had (not-so-kindly) mentioned before she left, Usagi knew that she was not especially smart, so the fact that she received an invitation to the school at all was extremely odd. It had a very mysterious feel to it, and she really hoped that this was not another trap.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:26 am

Komui turned towards the door and his eyes slightly widened. He didn't expect a child to be the principal of this academy. But, it's not the strangest thing he has seen.

"Neh, Hikaru," Kaoru began lightly. Hikaru nodded lightly.

"I heard it too, Kaoru." They both turned towards Lavi and tilted their heads. "That guy . . . he sounds just like me. Weird isn't it?"

"Not as weird as seeing a kid being the principal of this place, Hikaru." Kaoru turned towards Ciel and Sabastian. "I wonder if this is some kind of joke."

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:54 pm

Lavi noticed Komui and smirked. He snickered silently as he began to walk next to the wall until he was right behind the scientist. "HEY KOMUI!" he greeted as he jumped at him.

Fuuma leaned against the wall, obviously amused before hearing someone shouting. He blinked, looking over to see Yuffie and couldn't help but sweat-drop. A part of him hoped that he didn't get her as a student.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:59 pm

"Shall we, young master?" Sebastian asked, a smile still planted on his face. Ciel didn't answer right away, gazing around the room with a calculating look before looking up at his butler. Sebastian looked back before sighing, giving him a subtle nod.

Then, he turned to everyone with a smile, clapping his hands together in order to get their attention. "Welcome, all of you to Wayward Academy."

Tifa looked over at the man, blinking a bit before frowning. She could sense something off about him, but for now, she'll just wait for Sebastian to finish talking.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:13 pm

Yuffie jumped off her box and tilted her head. "So you're the principal? That's interesting." She stared at him for a bit. There has to be some catch as to why a kid is the principal of this place.

Lightning turned towards Ciel and Sabastian. She wondered what their story was and how they ended up in that position. This is going to be an interesting experience.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:38 pm

Conan observed silently.

Usagi blinked. "Wayward? Isn't that English for 'upside-down'?"

Yamino watched Sebastian, sensing something odd about him.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:54 pm

Komui jumped and turned around. "Lavi? I didn't know you were coming too." He turned back towards Ciel and Sebastian to see if they would further explain this academy.

Hikaru and Kaoru watched silently as the principals were giving out their introductions. They both knew that there was something off about those guys, but it's to see what. Maybe they'll get to find out later.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:57 pm

Lavi grinned at Komui. "What can I say? It's fun surprising you." The redhead looked back over at Ciel and Sebastian. He was partly surprised to see a kid running this place; then again, during his past records, the redhead has seen stranger things.

Fuuma looked over at Ciel and Sebastian, waiting for them to explain more about this place.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:48 pm

Yuffie and Lightning stood in their places and just watched what's happening around them. Hopefully, things will start to make sense when the principals will start explaining why they're at the academy.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:49 pm

Ciel sent Usagi a slightly disinterested look before sighing and clearing his throat.

"Wayward Academy had a unique learning system. Instead of learning in classrooms, you all will be learning through experience. Each day you will spend a day with your professors in a different dimension. You will follow their instructions and will report back to the academy at sun down," he explained.

Sebastian smiled and continued, "And we would like all professors to introduce themselves now, if you please."

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:57 pm

Conan's eyes narrowed. A different dimension? What was he talking about?

Usagi's eyes widened. Different dimensions?! AWESOME!

Yamino blinked. He was technically not a professor, although it would have been fun to teach home economics...but that was not his main concern. The fact that magic was afoot bothered him. He wondered if this was another plot of the other gods.

Narugami spoke up. "Hey, you! Principal guy! Y'know how everyone got invitations to come here? Were certain people chosen for certain reasons? And what's this about traveling through dimensions? Who here has the power to do that?" Other than his fellow Norse gods, he did not know of anyone with that ability, although it was theoretically possible, he guessed.

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:49 am

Komui shook his head lightly and turned back towards the conversation at hand. It's true that they must have some method of bringing all of them to one place. Maybe they have something like the Ark. That's quite impressive.

Hikaru and Kaoru turned towrds Narugami with a blank expression on their faces. "The principals obviously have the power to do that, sir. How else would we all be able to get here?"

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:58 pm

Lavi leaned back against the wall, watching the two curiously. He tilted his head as he examined Ciel and Sebastian closely.

Fuuma blinked at that. "So you have something that can bring other people to dimensions too?"

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:25 pm

Yuffie looked around to the others and nodded a bit to herself. She just now realized that most of the people here aren't from her dimension, except for Tifa. "So how exactly were you able to bring us all here?"

Lightning let out a long sigh. "Does it matter how we all got here? We're here now so let's just get on with it."

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Wayward Academy Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:23 am

Tifa glanced over at Lightning before looking at everyone else, nodding in agreement.

Sebastian smiled. "All questions will be answered in time. For now, enjoy yourselves and get to know each other. Everything begins tomorrow."

"And a tip to you students: Try not to die," Ciel said before turning around and walking out of the cafeteria, Sebastian following after him.

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