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Wayward Academy

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:59 am

Conan watched them go, still trying to work through what was going on.

"That was weird," Usagi commented, crossing her arms. "This whole thing is weird." She looked around the room. "Wow, there are a lot of cute guys here!" She noticed Conan. "And some eight-year old kid..." Yeah, weird was right! "And I still don't know who my roommate is!" she whined.

"So," Narugami spoke out, watching Ciel and Sebastian leave. "Who else works here? This is a very interesting part-time job!"

Yamino sighed and went off to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

{I think I'm going to swap out Conan for Loki during the first dimensional journey! I was trying out something different since I haven't RPed Conan in a very long time, but Conan is too rational and human and anti-social for this place XD I also have another swap planned but I'm going to wait a bit before that one. Just a warning in advance--and as previously mentioned, if anyone else wants to add/drop/swap characters, feel free to do so at any time of course 8D. Kai, are you going to direct the dimensional drift or do you want me to?}

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:16 am

Komui watched everybody and smiled. This is going to be an interesting group to be with. He can't wait to start his classes.

Kaoru turned towards Hikaru. "What did he mean by 'don't die'?"

Hikaru shrugged. "Maybe some kind of trial?"

They both stared at each other before shrugging and getting up from seats. "Now that we have free time, let's go introduce ourselves." They walked over to the others and smiled. "Hey there! We're the Hitachiin brothers!"

"I'm Hikaru!"

"I'm Kaoru!"

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:37 pm

"Well, this is interesting," Lavi mused aloud before getting off of the wall. He smiled as he stood beside Komui. "Looks like this is going to be fun, right Komui?"

Fuuma chuckled a bit as he looked over at the Hitachiin brothers. "You two are quite energetic, aren't you?"

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:24 am

Yuffie smiled and walked up to the Hitachiin brothers. "Hi there! I'm Yuffie Kisaragi, the greatest ninja ever!"

Lightning rubbed her temples a bit. "You guys are a bit too loud. Can you quiet it down a little?"

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:18 pm

Tifa laughed lightly. "They're just too energetic, I guess."

{You can take over the dimensional drift, Color |D And is it alright if I take Loki? Mad}

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:26 pm

{b-but Sebastian & Ciel vs Yamino & Loki *-* j/k, go for it ^-^ but I may have to bring in Mayura instead eventually Neutral}

Usagi's eyes widened. "Hitachiin?" She ran up to the pair. "Your sister is a fashion designer, right? My friend Minako--"

"You three must be from the same dimension," Narugami interrupted, approaching them. "Because our home dimensions are pretty varied. I guess I could be from your dimension too, but it can be really hard to tell."

Conan listened carefully. He did seem to recall a designer on television with the last name Hitachiin. He approached the crowd and put on his best I'm-a-little-kid-not-a-shrunken-17-year-old-detective voice. "I might be from your dimension as well, but Yuzuha Hitachiin can't be their sister. They have features that are similar to hers, so they could be half-siblings, but I find it more likely that she's their mother. Usagi, right? I think the four of us are from the same dimension, but Usagi and I are from an earlier time."

Narugami was used to little kids talking at levels beyond the expected, so he hardly registered Conan's apparent age. "That sounds possible."

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:00 am

Komui nodded and grinned. "Why don't you introduce yourself to them, Lavi? I'm sure they'll be interested in getting to know you."

Hikaru and Kaoru looked towards each other and snickered. "That's our mother." They both tilted their heads a bit in confusion. "How are you two from an earlier time? Wouldn't that make you guys from the past?"

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:01 pm

Lavi smirked at that, nodding. "You too, Komui! I'm sure Lenalee would like to see all the pictures of our time here spent in this academy."

{Ahh. I think I'll switch Fuuma out with Akabane from GetBackers, is that ok? Mad}

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:44 am

Yuffie cupped her chin in thought. "What's a fashion designer? I have never heard of something like that."

Lightning turned her attention towards Yuffie. "You don't know what a fashion designer is? They're people who make clothes that are incredibly popular in certain areas. They were a few of them on Cocoon, but as far as clothing style goes, everyone dresses according to their preference."

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:36 pm

Tifa giggled lightly. "We don't have anything like that back home. Or rather, there are few of them back home," she told Lightning before looking over at Yuffie.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:52 pm

"They're pretty common in our dimension." Conan inwardly sighed. That was more of Sonoko's thing than his, but he had a least some knowledge thanks to his mother. "So yes, we're from your past, I'm guessing...or you're from our future."

Usagi gaped at the Hitachiins. "What's the future like?!"

Yamino sighed from the kitchen.

{Of course! I'm still trying to decide who I wanna switch out for myself :/}

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:57 am

"I'm sure I'll get to meet them all in class. For now, go on Lavi. Say hello to your fellow classmates," Komui said while giving Lavi a slight push towards to group.

Hikaru and Kaoru shrugged. "The future is ok. We went to an elite school, and we were part of a host club." They looked towards each other and nodded.

"There's not much on the future. What's the past like?" Kaoru asked while looking over towards Usagi and Conan.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:45 pm

"Right, right," Lavi said before walking over to the other group. He blinked when he noticed that there was someone who sounded similar to him. Well, this should be fun.

Meanwhile, Akabane was in the shadows, watching everyone quietly with a small smirk on his face. Oh, things were certainly going to be a lot more interesting.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:47 pm

Yuffie turned towards the others and tilted her head. "How can people from the past and future be together? It doesn't make any sense!"

Lightning sighed and watched quietly as the students conversed with each other. She noticed there was someone in the shadows, but she paid no real heed.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:21 pm

Tifa smiled, clearly amused before sensing someone staring. She looked around, spotting a figure in the shadows. She resisted the urge to shudder. It was as though he reminded her of Sephiroth.

"Yamino, how are things going?" Loki asked as his head popped out from a cabinet.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:36 pm

Conan blinked. How could he compare two things when one hadn't happened yet? And that girl was right, this was extremely weird.

Fortunately, he didn't need to answer because Usagi did.

"I go to a boring school. Our city keeps getting attacked by monsters, though. Fortunately, that absolutely awesome and gorgeous Sailor Moon always saves us!" Then her eyes widened. "Wait, did you say a host club?"

Conan stared at her. "Monsters?!"

Yamino jumped. "AH! Master Loki! H-have you been here all along?!"

Last edited by Colormyworld on Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : PS next round will probably be dimensional travel 8D)

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:12 am

Komui turned towards Usagi and held his chin in his hand. "Monsters? What kind of monsters? Are they like akumas?"

Hikaru and Kaoru nodded. "That's right miss! We were in a host club at our school!"

"Although it was fun since Tamaki was there," Hikaru said.

Kaoru nodded. "And there was Haruhi too."

"Oh well, if we end up back at our dimension, we can show you!"

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:05 pm

Lavi popped up from behind Usagi, blinking curiously. "Are they being controlled by a fat man with a wide grin on his face?"

Akabane chuckled, coming out from his spot as he wandered over to the others.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:35 am

"Ooh! Were they mutated? Did they injected with too much mako? What did they look like?" Yuffie asked while making a mental list of more questions to ask. "Back home, there are monsters every where! Some came from Shin-Ra while others are just there."

Lightning turned towards the conversation. Monsters? There's no way anything can compare to the cie'th or those on Pulse.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:19 pm

"Something on your mind?" Tifa asked, glancing over at Lightning.

Loki smiled, climbing out of the cabinet. "Of course! I couldn't let my son go on inter-dimensional traveling now, can I?"

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Colormyworld Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:42 pm

"Well, they're aliens...sort of. And sometimes they possess people, and sometimes they possess objects." Usagi frowned. "Do you guys have monsters too?"

Conan blinked. "Who are Haruhi and Tamaki?"

Yamino gave him a nod and a small smile. "Master Loki, I'm quite glad to see you. There is something very strange about the principal here and his assistant."

Last edited by Colormyworld on Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : {the dimensional drift will still be relatively soon! sorry for the confusion, I'll just surprise you all with it one of these rounds :)})

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Naito Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:29 pm

Komui nodded and explained to Usagi about the akumas and the Earl. "How are the monsters from your world able to possess objects? That seems more like a ghost feature than monster."

Hikaru turned towards Conan and grinned. "They're our friends from our host club."

Kaoru nodded in agreement. "They're so much fun to be around. You should meet them if we ever go to our world."

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Arashi Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:23 pm

Lavi listened with interest. "Well, maybe they're not ghosts. Not just ghosts possess items," he remarked.

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kuro Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:57 am

Lightning turned towards Tifa and shook her head. "It's nothing. Just a feeling I have about this place."

Yuffie began to describe all the monsters that inhabit her world. It's hard to since there are so many and more were created from Shin-Ra. "In short, you don't want to visit my world. It's dangerous than anything I've heard from you guys."

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Wayward Academy - Page 2 Empty Re: Wayward Academy

Post  Kai Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:03 pm

"Alright," Tifa said as she looked around. Though, she blinked when she noticed a man walking over to them.

Loki tilted his head to the side curiously. "How so, Yamino-kun?"

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